Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stick dance in Tharu community...

Tharu women - going to the temple on the occasion of Jitiya festival.......

JITIYA, is the women's festival in the Tharu community. Tharus are one of the ethnic groups of Nepal. They live in western south part of Nepal. In the women festival the women go to the temple and ask for good husband and ask for long life and good behaves of their husband if they are married..............

A beautiful village on the way to Pokhara from Ghandruk

A dancing girl in Ghandruk.....

In Ghandruk, all the trekkers are welcomed. The mother committee of the village perform and singing and dancing show for the trekkers. And they ask some donation in return of the performence. And they build the trekking trial and bridges from the donation.......

Fishtail from Punhill (3210m)

Annapurna South and Barah Shikhar from Punhill

A photographer taking photograph of Annapurnas from Punhill (3210m)

Dhaulagiri (White mountain), one of the above 8,000 meters mountain in Nepal.

Fishtail and Annapurna range

Fishtail is one of the beautiest mountain in Nepal. People who visit Annapurna region of Nepal can feel how beautiful it is...............

A old woman carrying a full basket of grass for her cattles

World Peace Pagoda on the top of the hill

The Pagoda lies just next to a Lake Fewa in Pokhara.

It is also a view point for all Annapurna range


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Two children of a single year gap in age

My brother's two youger daughters - they are a year's different.
My brother has 5 daughters and one son. So he has a big financial load too. Definitely, he needs help from me. I wish I could something for him, but for doing so; I should manage my own career better first.
By Devendra

A boy still in the shadow of good education

He is Chandra Rai, my brother's son - studying in grade 7 in the village. My brother wishes him to be with me in Kathmandu for his education but I can't afford to do so now.
By Devendra

A big family in the village

Suga's middle brother's families.
He (from the right) has a heavy load of taking care of all the families.
And goes to trek with me sometime as a porter sometime and works in the field in the rest of the time. He is really helpless – I wish he could have sponsorship for his three sons' education one day.
By the Devendra

A couple in the village

Devendra's brother and his wife in the village.............

The couple is my guardian.

By Devendra

An old woman in the village

Suga's mother in the village, putting her hands up (Natural - typical Nepalese sun hat) in the sunny weather.

The wedding ceremony in the village

A typical wedding ceremony is done in this way in the Rai family. All the people are the member of marriage procession. They are attending the Wedding ceremony. The people who are with umbrellas are the bridegroom, bride, best man and bridemaids (all in red shawl).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Buddhist five colored religious flags hanging horizontally..............

A motorable beaten track between Kapan Monestery and Phulbari Monastery in Kathmandu.

Kapan monastery

Among the famous monastery of the valley, Kapan monastery is in the frontline. It is in the north of Kathmandu valley.

Phulbari monastery Kathmandu

Phulbari Monastery is around 20 km far from Thamel - in the north direction of Kathmandu valley. It is on the top of the hill and surrounded by green vegetation.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Hospitality in Traditional Home in Nepal

Spending at least a night in such a traditional home in lifetime that has blooming flowers with the background of high himalayas.

By Devendra

Where the Marsyangdi Khola is in Nepal

As I have a comment: Where the Marsyangdi Khola is:
Well, it is in the middle of Nepal. If you have done or would do Annapurna Circuit, you have followed or would do follow upstream in the beginning of your trek. It is really beautiful.
By Devendra

Enchanting moutain sceneries

Imagine a place where you can gaze at the high snow capped mountains from one point. Please do not miss the chances of having these opportunities. Nepal has countless mountains that can touch your soul.

By Devendra

Prayer flags in five color

Well, see these Tibetan Prayer Flags with the background of High Snow-capped mountains. Aren't they beautiful?

By Devendra

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shiva temple in Kathmandu

Nepal is known as the country of thousands and thousands temple in every other step. This is Shiva temple, which is located on the top of the hill in Kapan in Kathmandu.

Shiva is the God of destroyer. There are three main Gods according to the Hunduism - Brahma for creation, Bishnu for preservation and Shiva for destruction.

By Suga Rai (The wife of Devendra)